Saturday 23 August 2008

Is Calpe real or did you make it up for 'Without Reproach'?

  • Hi. I've just finished reading your novel, Without Reproach - I thought it very impressive. In it you talked about a place called Calpe. Is it real, or did you make it up? The way you describe it, makes me want to go there sometime.

Hi Pauline. Glad you enjoyed Without Reproach. Yes, for sure Calpe is a real place, it's a local resort and you ought to be able to look it up on your browser.

I live not too far from there. Here's a picture of the place. I've included a couple of other pics as well so you'll understand the area where Without Reproach is set.

The 'Peñon' rock, Calpe.

The village of Jalón

The sierra local to Jalón