Saturday, 25 July 2009

Help with book promotion

Tell Me a Story - opinion.

This is one for all you published authors out there who aren't actually best sellers.

If, like the rest of us poor mortals, you're struggling to get your book read, then you need assistance. Publishers don't seem to give a damn once your book is in print; promotion is for celebrities not for real writers. Real writers have to do their own promotion - uggggh! I hate it.

Help is at hand though, you'll be glad to hear.

Carolyn Howard Johnson has produced a neat book that gently guides through you the maze of book promotion - and without spending a fortune.

Using her own experience, Carolyn shows you insider wrinkles that most publishers or publicity agents simply won't. The Frugal Book Promoter is invaluable. I purchased it a while ago - loved it. It's full of good stuff - one of those books you refer to time and again.


Book writing, 20 ways to polish that manuscript
Writing a story – 12 important elements of dialogue
550 other words for said

My Hubpage record.

Tell Me a Story - update.

I've just been looking over my Hubpage statistics. I'm dead chuffed to see that my Hub on writing (article, for the uninitiated) - 400 Alternative Words For Said, is heading for 5500 unique visits, and 64 comments have been left. A record for me.

- I hasten to clarify that the gist of the article is to NOT use alternative words for 'said', that 'said' is a lowly word that disappears in reader's eyes.

- But wow! 5500 people have hit the site for information. That's an awful lot of people who've taken the trouble to look at what I say and think. It makes me feel humble. It also makes me realise how careful we writers need to be in what we say.

If you're one of those people who've visited, may I say thank you for your support, and I hope it provided you with the right information....


Book writing, 20 ways to polish that manuscript
Writing a story – 12 important elements of dialogue
550 other words for said

End of post - My Hubpage record