Saturday, 30 May 2009

Interview with Singer/songwriter, Nick Wilson

Tell Me a story - Interview.

I’d like to introduce you to a singer/songwriter friend of mine, Nick Wilson. He’s a local lad, worthy of global recognition. Nick, perhaps you'd like to tell us a little about yourself.

Hello and thanks, AJ. I’ve been in Spain for nearly 4 years and loved every minute.

Music was new to me when I arrived, but after singing in Bar La Luna in AlcalalĂ­ a couple of times, my fledgling musical career took tentative flight and I began performing at fiestas. This helped me to come out of my shell. After being in front of soooo many people, I was ready to take on the world.

I journeyed back to the UK to take part in X factor, but unfortunately didn’t get placed - in fact, I actually stopped singing for over a year because it knocked my confidence so much. With the benefit of hindsight, and after taking part in X factor, I wouldn’t really advise anyone to enter for it. No matter how strong or confident you think you are, it’s a real put-down to be rejected.

I recently performed in panto at the Care-Line Theatre. The show was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and I was selected to play leading male as Prince Lancelot. The tights I had to wear were a bit embarrassing but I really enjoyed it. It means I now have acting experience under my belt, which is always a good thing. Now, I’m waiting for the finals of Star Search 2009, Javea, Spain. If I win, I’m hoping to be able to support mum and dad, and hopefully dad will be able to retire.
So, Nick, what compelled you to write your first song?

The first song I wrote was called "Break Up" it was written after my girlfriend and I finished. I was really gutted and I guess writing the song helped me come to terms with it.

Have you always wanted to be a singer/writer?

Always, but never had the confidence to attempt it until recently.

And are you currently working on any projects our readers should watch for release soon?

I am, AJ, I’m taking part in Star Search 2009, Javea. If I win, you’ll hear my 4-track demo live on Bay Radio.

Great. I'm looking forward to that. Your work has already been on radio. How did you feel the day you heard your first song on air?

Wow, it felt surreal to hear my voice on radio. I’m no different to anyone else - I don’t suppose many people enjoy the sound of their own voice – it’s just the same when I watch a video of myself - I cringe.

I know what you mean, Nick. I hated my first radio interview, but authors are expected to do it as part of the publicity. Tell me about your songs. Do you find that you put a little of yourself into your songs or do you create them to be completely different from you?

They’re all based on personal emotional experiences; that’s the only way I can express myself.

So, what about when growing up, did you have a favourite singer?

Yes, it was always Ronan Keating, in my opinion he is a living legend.

And now: who is your favourite singer and what is your favourite genre?

It’s always going to be Ronan. His world is the world I’d like to embrace.

Location and life experience can sprinkle their influence in your creativity. Tell us about where you grew up and a little about where you live now - city? Suburb? Country? Farm? If you could live anywhere you want to live, where would that be?

I grew up in Worcester, and still have family there. I also loved it on the farm in Bristol where my grandparents lived until I was 12. It was like something from a fairytale. I’d feed the animals and play in hay bales; it was amazing – so tranquil. My goal in life is to have sufficient money to have my own farm or ranch.

Okay, let’s come back to your music. How long did it take you to write your most recent song? When you started writing, did you think it would take that long?

Well, AJ, the most recent is Expectations - I’m still working on it. The words took about two days. The music isn’t finished yet, so who knows.
And is there anyone you'd like to specifically acknowledge who has inspired, motivated, encouraged or supported your writing?

I would certainly like to thank friends and family who’ve helped me through everything. With decisions comes responsibility, they helped me make the right choices.

Nice one, Nick. Great sentiments. Is there any one particular song that when you heard it, you thought to yourself, "I wish I'd written that one!”

Yeh! It’s called If Tomorrow Never Comes by the one and only Ronan. The lyrics are magical and so full of meaning. It written like all music should be

Thinking about your song-writing career, is there anything you'd go back and do differently?

I’d like to be able to spell properly.

I guess you could always use a dictionary, Nick. Your musical creativity is the most important thing. What is the main goal or purpose you’d like to see accomplished by your work?

I’d love to sing a song that could change someone’s life. I’d love to be the one who made a difference in the world.

Nick, before we end, is there anything you want the readers to know, anything you count as important in life?

The most important piece of information I can think of, is never forget those who help you. Friends and family are the most important things in your life, they’ll inspire you and help you achieve your ambitions. You’re never alone in this business there are so many people in the same situation, I have lots of friends who helped me start and if I find global success with my music, I’ll never leave them behind.

I'm off to see my girlfriend now because she’s most probably the biggest inspiration on my music. KEEP WRITING YOUR IDEAS DOWN OR YOU’LL FORGET THEM.
Thanks for that, Nick. May I wish you luck with your career.

*** Ronan Keating, Nick Wilson ***

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End of post - Inter with Nick Wilson.