Tuesday, 23 September 2008

David Wroblewski and the Oprah Winfrey show

Links on Tell Me a Story


David Wroblewski, new writer on the block, has hit the roll-over prize of literary fiction. I wish him all the best, green with envy though I am.

The dream-of-a-lifetime has happened for him. Oprah Winfrey has selected his debut novel, "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle," as her latest book-club choice, which means of course it has the prospect for sales of hundreds of thousands of copies.

Barnes & Noble had already selected the novel as a "Fall 2008 Discover New Writers" title, and it has had critical tributes in The New York Times, The Christian Science Monitor and from author Stephen King.
What an incredible happening. I'll bet he thinks he's won the biggest lottery of all time. He's now made forever. Wow! I'll raise my glass to him tonight. Cheers, David. (I wonder if he'll do a blog on me).
Next post, Book signing.