Monday, 28 September 2009

Why do women make love

Tell Me a Story.

Why do women make love?

Poets through the ages have been inspired by it, songs have been sung because of it, thousands of stories have been written, films have become smash hits because of it.... but just WHY do women make love?

Men are simple creatures, men make love because quite frankly.... well it's enjoyable....Sex is nice....

The question has never been asked of women before - but now that it has, the answers are rather intriguing and perhaps just a little bit disappointing - for men at least. It seems that enjoyment plays only a small part - no pun intended - in the female sexual act.

Take a look at this article by Tanya Gold for an insight...

So when I put pen to paper for my next novel, I'll have to scrub out all those scenes where the heroine actually enjoys making love to her partner....

There'll have to be some more altruistic reason for her taking part in such a transient physical activity.... Now let me think.....

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