Monday, 11 July 2011

Book Giveaway - Librarything

Tell Me A Story - Book Giveaway

Okay guys. Guess you should be amongst the first to know. I've made 20 copies of my ebook, 'WITHOUT REPROACH', a romantic suspense, available for a Librarything ebook giveaway.

Librarything does this on a regular basis. Members put in a request for books they fancy, and at the end of the contest, Librarything randomly draw the winners.

For WITHOUT REPROACH, the contest period is 2 weeks. The contest started about 12 hours ago and already, 11 readers have requested the book. It looks like it might be over subscribed by the time 2 weeks is up.

If you fancy subscribing to the contest you will need to be a member of Librarything, joining is simple. If you are a member this will take you to the WITHOUT REPROACH  page

The contest ends July 24th so if you're interested, jump in.

If, however, you are willing to put an unbiased  review of WITHOUT REPROACH on Amazon, then email me and I'll make an ebook available.