Author - Alexis Harrington
Title - Home by Morning
Stars - 4
Home by Morning:
Jessica has a stopover in her hometown and comes head-on with Cole, her first love. Jessica is a talented physician and Cole a successful horse breeder courting her sister. Both are confident they have moved past their youthful craving. However, they are glad Jessica’s brief visit will leave little chance to go over old wounds.
Before Jessica can leave, the town is hit by an influenza epidemic. With no other doctors accessible, Jessica remains to look after her friends and former neighbours. Her work brings her in endless contact with Cole, and with each day he finds it harder to assure himself that Amy can fill his soul as Jessica once did.
Home by Morning is a chronicle of heart-breaking events and the influence on every-day people. Interlaced through the book are characters whose mettles seem broken, who encounter the curative influence of love.
Set against the backdrop of World War I and the epidemic of 1918, Home by Morning is a captivating story of duplicity, anguish, and salvation.