Thursday, 16 October 2008

Nino Ricci takes his time with, The Origin of Species

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Taking your time
So you think it’s taking you too long to get your novel finished? I know sometimes I think I take forever with my stories, in fact readers have asked me several times when the sequel to Without Reproach will be out….

Take a peep at the case of Nino Ricci though, and you might just change your mind about time. Certainly, no one could point the finger at Nino and charge him of rushing to get his story published.
The Canadian author says the first glimmer for his latest book, The Origin of Species, started at least in the early 1980s, perhaps even earlier.
Inspired and troubled
Between the many cogs and sparks connected to the novel was a concept introduced by scientist and now-famous atheist Richard Dawkins in his book, The Selfish Gene. Dawkins made a case that there is an evolutionary explanation for altruism, a perception that both inspired and troubled Ricci. That was nearly 25 years ago.
"Writing was just a pipe dream then," says Ricci, now aged 49. "I had no idea of the shape the novel would take. I think that's been true of all my books.”
So, take a leaf from the great man. Don’t worry about time – unless it’s running out that is!