Thursday, 11 March 2010

Mastering the art of Story Characters

Tell Me a Story - article

Story Characters - The critical component

Plot characters, story characters, call them what you may, they are the most important ingredient in your story.

You might strive for a perfect adventure, but unless your readers equate with your story characters there is no story. If readers don't care what happens to the characters, the tale will flop. So what can you do...... Well you can try reading this ..... 7 Cool Ways To Jump-Start The Story Characters In Your Writing

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Monday, 8 March 2010

Ingredients of a plot

Tell Me a Story - hints and tips

The Plot of a Story

Plot of a story

A lot of stories fail simply because the writer hasn't controlled the ingredients. There are certain elements that a plot must contain in order for it to be successful. Success is never guaranteed, but you can at least give your manuscript a fighting chance by following these guidelines.

Need to get that plot of a story in order? Not quite getting it together? Maybe you need to take a peep at this Bukisa article --- How to become a writer - Ingredients of a plot

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Friday, 5 March 2010

Tell me a Story

If you're set on becoming a writer but never seem to get the opening right, take a look at this article on Bukisa ... BECOMING A WRITER

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